b) Grihastha (householder) Ashram


b) Grihastha( householder) : 

When a child finishes their brahmacharya period, they return back home being  educated for life. They would pay guru Dakshina ( FEE) to their guru.

They were taking responsibilities when they got married. They have to fulfil responsibilities according to their religious beliefs. They enjoy and follow as doing Purusharth which one described above.

c) Vanprastha ( freedom from family responses) : 

 When a person reaches the age of 50. They are freed from the burden of active household life.  They could spend their life in public service, social services called Vanprastha. In this religion narrated to do religious services, worship and pilgrimage.

They have to share their knowledge and experiences  with social help. Vanprastha is a way of getting out of family behavior. The age of 50 to 75 years period is  Vanprastha Ashram. It does not mean entering the forest. 

d) Sannyasa (renunciation of material things) : 

When a person reaches the age of 75. It is time to renounce all attachments till the end of life. They take refuge in God to attain salvation by taking the form of Sannyasa. Sannyasa is the stage to dedicate oneself completely to the spiritual devotee of god.

**** Now in our Hindu society these ashram are fragmented. They are displacing Gurukul and establishing a modern English boarding school. There, teachers are not taught about moral science and social and family responsibility. We are  pushing our children toward the western culture. 

After all, they did not take responsibility for us and we are saying that they  have forgotten our culture. ( In western culture senior people are supported and taken responsibilities from the government.

But in eastern culture they have to take all the responsibilities to take care of their  parents. That was a religious duty of their child(son). Even now, they start married life after finishing their education  and stand on themselves. It is near the Brahmacharya ashram. 

Today’s modern life, it is almost impossible to retire from family responsibilities at 50 years of age. According to our traditions, Vanprastha Ashram has become a history. But somewhere we can see. We have a lot of sannyasa in society. But actually they did not follow our religious rules. They called themselves  Child Brahma Chari sannyasa.

They think I am an enlightened person as god. They are seated as kings in their shinhashan. Some sannyasa mathadhish were occupying a large religious property with security. Sannyasa have many beautiful maids for celibacy.

They take recreation advantage from sannyasin. There are several examples of Sanyasi(abbots), who are imprisoned due to sexually abusing their female devotees. That is very shameful for Hindu followers.  

But I know two venerable Sannyasa in Nepal. They increases importance of Hinduism and the values of Sannyasa.  That name was Khaptad swami and Naraharinath. They were versed in scriptures and moral character.

They lived their life without accumulating  any wealth. They share with the people what they are earning Dharmic knowledge. There were no guards behind them, nor did they have any fear. 

Whether  saint or leaders who commit immoral acts they can not dare to walk without security. Why do Sannyas need protection ?  even if they gave up everything according to our religion. If they  have really done politics for the happiness of the people, then why do they need his protection?

Such imposter persons are also in our society. Now Vanprastha and sannyasa Ashram have almost been removed from our religious society.




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