how to believe “parmatma” ?

 Lord Krishna has said in verse 4 of Bhagavad Gita chapter 14 that he should consider himself as the divine God.  it is true ?   Krishna’s birth was revealed in an enchanting way, isn’t it.  It could be or not exaggerated by Krishna’s devotees (direct viewer Sanjay) ?

Lord Krishna is being accepted as God. Even God can come down to this earth only by the will of  Supreme God. It can be felt that God has guided this world according to his will.

There are many things in the world that are very important and subtle. Which we cannot see with our eyes.  You can’t even imagine the animals and plants and the world.  The air  contains the oxygen which is our life line. We need it,  Life without it is unimaginable. Carbon dioxide is essential to plants.

With the help of this, plants make their food by photosynthesis with sunlight and produce the oxygen that human beings need. How can we see God if we cannot see with our own eyes ? We are even able to see the world.We have need the help of a mirror to see our own face.  How can you see the mind, intellect and soul of a person?

Parmatma manages the universe ? If the door of enlightenment is open in man, he could experience God !  Everyone couldn’t get that good fortune ? We called a scientist who discovers the merits and demerits of a substance created by God. People say where is the existence of God ? Who can show ? Says. If one cannot see and show the soul that breathes every moment. who can see and show the Paramatma ? If one cannot see and show the soul that breathes every moment.  

 Self-aware people could  have to accept the existence of God. It is to follow the guidance given by him. What we see may not be true, and what we do not see may be true. This whole creation is very mysterious. It is very difficult to assimilate and attain enlightenment. If person have a lacks self-knowledge. He has to work harder and harder to make lodging and fooding.  

 Even  living creatures were  could manage  for own food.   My parents used to say :  If you born as a human being on earth, you have to give something to this universe. You  have to  do good Karma. My father used to say that If  some one earn lot of wealth is earn by bad Karma.  Their children will punished of parent’s bad Karma.

All living beings are children of God. Parents were our mediator.  We have given respect to our parents as a God.  God  created human being for rescue their misearable reincarnation circle.  Human could protect this nature and do welfare on this earth.  Human could manged peace and save the environment of the universe.  If these things done  God’s power will increase.

I have heard the Enlightenment say that God is eager to deliver the souls that have crossed the various births of creatures. Everyone should understand God according to the capacity of their intellect. This is how I understand God.

Prasad Aryal





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